In 2015, Camden National Bank merged with 8BP client, The Bank of Maine, to become Maine’s largest bank, with close to $4 billion in assets. We were tasked with the entire rebranding of the new bank, including strategic planning, brand ID, and all creative development from launch to employee communications and ongoing retail marketing. Media included print, digital, TV/video, radio and direct mail.
Brand launch TV ad
While Camden’s brand position as a friendly, local community bank still applied, it needed to evolve for the future, to service new customers, grow into new markets and deliver modern, highly sophisticated banking experiences including online and mobile banking.
Our campaign theme, From here, Anywhere spoke to the bank’s Maine roots while also holding out the promise of new and better things to come.
In just five months, we were able to build and launch the new brand with a campaign that earned accolades from customers and employees alike.
In Q1 2016, total account acquisition increased 10% over the same period in 2015. The bank also witnessed a 61% increase in online checking account openings.
“Working with the 8 Beacon team we were able to launch our new brand with a highly creative campaign that nailed our key strategic insight. And we achieved it all in just 5 months. Everyone at 8 Beacon is responsive, focused, highly creative and a pleasure to work with.”
Brand Book:
Prior Work for The Bank of Maine: